Any company one click away, over 1 million companies
LinkedIn biotech, pharma, medtech, foodtech, chemtech companies
Europages companies
Over 500K+ emails available to companies
We do not buy emails somewhere else, we acquire the data ourselves. We crawl website pages and extract emails. Not every page has email, we only show those that have.
Success in a project is not always about sales, sometimes you have a tough project, where you need to find an appropriate collaborator or get consultancy from several experts. Instead of doing it manually, you can automate the task with Deepli software and receive responses to your inbox.
We also have direct contacts to specific people in functions like scientists in biotech, pharma companies in USA. If you need direct contacts, inquire below.
General emails
We crawl pages of companies and extract emails, this is how the data appears. This works for small companies, while big companies are better with direct people's emails.
Direct people work emails
Scientists in biotech, pharma companies in USA. If you need custom data assembly please see below.
Regular update
We update the data regularly to make sure no company is missed and the emails are correct. You can focus on your work, we do ours.
Over 300K emails
Suppliers, distributors, producers, manufacturers, general emails from their websites for any inquiries.
Broad industry focus
The uniqueness of Europages data is it does not have a focus on one industry, but has many industries where most companies are manufacturers or re-sellers.
Though it is Europe-wide, there are also some companies from other continents, but majority is from Europe.
Marketing Campaign
500K+ emails to industry available, each case is different. Often your case requires custom data assembly, we do it according to your requirements, and setup the marketing campaign with A/B tested subjects, do the sending, management of a campaign and data transfer.
You want to enrich your CRM and do not care about filtering, topics, and software? We can do data transfer to you and send emails. Please inquire at
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